Saturday, November 15, 2008

If you seek amy...

Thanks to Jeff G... I can't get new Britney Spears songs out of my head. Hahaha.
At any rate...Early this afternoon I had Bio presentations for extra credit. I totally skipped over like... 75% of my card. =[ However, the slideshow itself came out wonderful.... if I do say for myself. =]
It's rainy today. Gray and rainy. It's really peaceful and it kinda smells like summer. Even though it is definitely reaching November. I'm in the flag room and there are quite a few people here. Actually there is hardly anyone here. Me... and two groups. But it's really nice nonetheless.
Hmmm... I think I'll just... listen to music and facebook since I have basically nothing better to do with my time.
Maybe I should go to Perks?
However, I'm just getting lazy... so... maybe not.

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