Friday, November 21, 2008

If miracles happen...

1. real name – Athena.
2. birthday – The second week of the eighth month.
3. single or taken – Single.
4. tall or short – Petite. =]
5. male or female- Female.
6. elementary – 46Q.
7. middle –74Q to WMS.
8. high school – EMHS.
9. eye color – Brown.
10. are you a health freak – I'm developing into one. It's kinda bad.
11. do you have a crush on someone- Very much so.
12. do you think highly of your self – not really
13. piercings- My ears.
14. tattoos – None.
15. righty or lefty - Righty.

16. first surgery – I was really little.
17. first piercings – Just ears.
18. first best friend – Andrea.
19. first trophy – TG. <3
20. first sport – No sports. >.<
21. first pet – None. =[
22. first vacation – England.
23. first crush – Jason. In kindergarten. =]

24. eating – Nothing.
25. i'm about to – Hang out with James. =]
26. listening to – Flight of the Concords and my roommate who is on the phone.
27. waiting for – Thanksgiving Weekend. <3
28. wearing – Clothes.
29. want kids – Not currently.
30. want to get married – Again... not at the moment... but eventually.
31. careers in mind – Pharmacist. No plan B... no joke.

32. lips or eyes – Does it matter?
33. hugs or kisses - Both are wonderful.
34. shorter or taller – A tad taller.
35. tan skinned or light – I don't care. Why should skin color determine who is better?
36. romantic or spontaneous – Both.
37. dark or light hair – I don't mind either.
38. muscular or normal? - Again... I don't really care. Someone who looks nice. I really don't care what features they really have. It shouldn't matter.
39. hook-up or relationship – Relationships.

40. kissed a stranger – No.
41. went to Rehab –No.
42. broken someones heart – I'm pretty sure and I do apologize if I did.
43. turned someone down – Yes.
44. liked a friend as more than a friend – Yes.

45. yourself – Not always.
46. miracles – You will when you believeee. =]
47. perfect first date – If only I actually experienced that... >.<
48. angels –Sometimes.

49. is there one or more people you want to be with right now? – Yes.
50. if you could bring back someone that died, would you? –Yes.
51. are you cool? – I don't give myself that much credit.

52. text message – James.
53. recieved call – Mommy.
54. call made- Mommy.
55. wall post on facebook - Jeff G.
56. missed call –Mommy.
57. - you hugged – Jeff G, hahaha.
58. you slapped – I don't know?
59. said i love you to – Jennie H!

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