Sunday, November 30, 2008

If I forget to tell you...

And I get really clutzy... kinda crazy... and my pulse definitely races when I get a text from him.

Hmm... I am an awkward person. Not going to lie.

If I didn't wait...

Fact: The things I do when I like a guy: I ramble like there is NO tomorrow.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

If you said hello...

I love being home. <3
Also... my pictures that I took with my camera from being on the plane... yeah... they kick arses. Seriously. =]

Ooo, a new survey:

Who did you last shoot a dirty look at?
Me? Hm... I don't think I have actually perfected the art of shooting dirty looks.

Have you ever had a garage sale?

What color is your ipod?
I have a black zen with a blue skin. <3 It's pretty much my 25% of my traveling best friends.

What kind of dog do you have?
I don't have one that lives with me. =[ BUT... Charlie (who lives with Nana) [[and Teddy... who belongs with Zena]] is a miniature poodle. <3

What's for dinner tonight?
Today is THANKSGIVING. We feast on good things. =]

What is the last drink you drank?
I believe it was Orange Peach Mango juice.

Last time you were sick?
Hm, Spring... well... it was allergy season.

How long is your hair?
It's a little longer than chest-length... but there are layers... so some of it is shoulder length.

Are you happy right now?
Very content.

What did you say last?

Do you drink beer?
Never had beer.

What is your favorite key chain on your keys?
Hmm... I would have to say my sister's picture on my home keys.

What is in your pocket?

Who introduced you to your boyfriend or girlfriend?

What's something fun you did today?
I woke up... at home. =]

What do you think of when you hear the word "meow"?
Odd enough... I think of Tech Crew.

What are you listening to right now?
"Full Moon" by The Black Ghosts... on the Twilight soundtrack.

What have you had to drink so far today?
2H2O and Orange Peach Mango juice.

When is your birthday?
Two weeks into the 8th month.

What's the area code for your cell phone?
If I post this on the web... it could be a stupid move... so I'll through you off and just say 212. After all... 212 is a great place. =P

Where did you buy the shirt you're wearing now?
The shirt under my blazer? It's from Charlotte Russe.

Is there anything hanging from your rear view mirror?

How many states in the U.S.

What are you going to do after this?
I'm going to my aunt's for Thanksgiving. And don't worry... I'll bring the lappie with me.

What is something you need to go shopping for?
Holiday presents. <3

Do you like pickles?

How about olives?

What is your favorite kind of gum?

Do you have any tan lines?
Actually... they're kinda there.

Do you remember the name of your kindergarten teacher?
It was Mrs. Stuckhart... and then she left to have a baby, hahaha. She was replaced with Mrs. F.

When you're at the grocery store do you used the self checkout?

Has anyone ever sang to you?
Sadly... no. I sing to practically everyone else though, hahaha. Even though I am such a Goodness-awful singer.

Has anyone ever given you roses?
I was given a rose.

If you were abandoned in the wilderness, would you survive?
I am definitely not sure. Maybe not?

What is a compliment you receive way too often?
I don't keep track of compliments. If I am given one, it makes my day better.

Who was the last person to say they loved you and when?
I spoke to my Nana last night. She loves me. =]

Why did your last relationship end?
He's a good person... I just think we were on different mature levels and had different expectations.

Where is the furthest place you've traveled?
Around Asia. =]

Which do you prefer, to eat or sleep?
I prefer to laugh.

Do you look more like your mom or your dad?
People say I look more like my dad.

How long does it take you to shower?
Roughly 15 minutes.

Are you flexible?
A little.

What did you on New Years Eve 2007?
Family friend's party.

Was your mom a cheerleader?
No. My mom was a studious Asian.

How many hours of sleep did you get last night?
About eight? That's the most sleep I've had in about 2 weeks.

Do you wear your seatbelt in the car?

What song do you HATE?
I don't really have a song I HATE hahaha.

Any up coming events you're excited about?
Today. Is. Thanksgiving. I'm pretty stoked about today.

If I could tell you...

The directions are easy--Write TWENTY things about yourself:

easy right...???

1. I eat my pizza backwards.
2. I am currently home for Thanksgiving.
3. I listen to Christmas music randomly throughout the year and ALWAYS listen to it for the month of December.
4. It really upset me that the Christmas music this year started before Thanksgiving.
5. I think Britney Spears is making an awesome comeback.
6. I am amazingly obsessed with several things, although, Harry Potter and Twilight are my main obsessions.
7. Daniel Radcliffe is my favorite actor. Ever.
8. I actually like listening to politics however, I won't put my own input unless I have a passion for that topic of discussion.
9. I used to not like rice because I ate it everyday with everything... I've learned to love it beyond reasoning.
10. I want to be a pharmacist with all my heart.
11. I can't wait until I'm older and with a job to get a puppy of my own.
12. I want to name a male puppy Samson... really bad.
13. Sometimes, I never know why I post so many entries here.
14. "The Scientist" by Coldplay is my theme song to my life... the lyrics match what I feel practically any day.
15. I love my Twilight soundtrack more than any soundtrack.
16. I usually write lyrics as a doodle on my notes.
17. I miss Tech Crew more than I miss driving... and that's a crazy amount.
18. I detest pronouncing my middle name because I'm pretty sure with my accent it doesn't sound like the way it's supposed to.
19. I miss Summer rains and look forward to Winter snowfalls during Autumn... then it's switched in the Spring.
20. I'm falling.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

If it were easy...

I should [not] have sent that text?
It's driving me crazy/ Haha. Wow. I never thought... the giddy feeling... would ever be a part of my life again?

If I stood as still as I did...

There is something strange with me... I cannot get his name or his face out of my head. And when I'm with him... I'm relaxed. And when I'm not with him... I feel like something's missing. I'm so cheesy.

At any rate...

Oh my lord.
I head home tomorrow!!!
It's all very exciting.

Monday, November 24, 2008

If I could say it, I would say it all...

I can't explain it completely... and I think it's because I just don't know how. This is something new that's coursing through my mind.


I really like him.
Ridiculous amounts. And... as I told Twinnie... for once... I feel like... this is okay.
It will be okay.

I hope I'm not wrong.

Friday, November 21, 2008

If miracles happen...

1. real name – Athena.
2. birthday – The second week of the eighth month.
3. single or taken – Single.
4. tall or short – Petite. =]
5. male or female- Female.
6. elementary – 46Q.
7. middle –74Q to WMS.
8. high school – EMHS.
9. eye color – Brown.
10. are you a health freak – I'm developing into one. It's kinda bad.
11. do you have a crush on someone- Very much so.
12. do you think highly of your self – not really
13. piercings- My ears.
14. tattoos – None.
15. righty or lefty - Righty.

16. first surgery – I was really little.
17. first piercings – Just ears.
18. first best friend – Andrea.
19. first trophy – TG. <3
20. first sport – No sports. >.<
21. first pet – None. =[
22. first vacation – England.
23. first crush – Jason. In kindergarten. =]

24. eating – Nothing.
25. i'm about to – Hang out with James. =]
26. listening to – Flight of the Concords and my roommate who is on the phone.
27. waiting for – Thanksgiving Weekend. <3
28. wearing – Clothes.
29. want kids – Not currently.
30. want to get married – Again... not at the moment... but eventually.
31. careers in mind – Pharmacist. No plan B... no joke.

32. lips or eyes – Does it matter?
33. hugs or kisses - Both are wonderful.
34. shorter or taller – A tad taller.
35. tan skinned or light – I don't care. Why should skin color determine who is better?
36. romantic or spontaneous – Both.
37. dark or light hair – I don't mind either.
38. muscular or normal? - Again... I don't really care. Someone who looks nice. I really don't care what features they really have. It shouldn't matter.
39. hook-up or relationship – Relationships.

40. kissed a stranger – No.
41. went to Rehab –No.
42. broken someones heart – I'm pretty sure and I do apologize if I did.
43. turned someone down – Yes.
44. liked a friend as more than a friend – Yes.

45. yourself – Not always.
46. miracles – You will when you believeee. =]
47. perfect first date – If only I actually experienced that... >.<
48. angels –Sometimes.

49. is there one or more people you want to be with right now? – Yes.
50. if you could bring back someone that died, would you? –Yes.
51. are you cool? – I don't give myself that much credit.

52. text message – James.
53. recieved call – Mommy.
54. call made- Mommy.
55. wall post on facebook - Jeff G.
56. missed call –Mommy.
57. - you hugged – Jeff G, hahaha.
58. you slapped – I don't know?
59. said i love you to – Jennie H!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

If I thought better...

I'm stubborn. =]

If you could see right through me...

Baby you’re so unusual
Didn’t anyone tell you, you’re supposed to, break my heart?
I expect you do, so why haven’t you?
Maybe you’re not even human cause
Only an angel can be so unusual
Sweet surprise, I could get used to
Unusual You
^^^Hm, new Britney Spears keeps getting better and better in her new album. (CIRCUS comes out 12/2... or her 27th birthday... thank you Jeff for knowing these facts hahaha.)
These has to be my favorite. I feel like... I can relate to it... in a slight... way?

And The Black Ghosts wrote a song for the Twilight Soundtrack called "Full Moon"... which is very addicting... and oh so true.
In the full moons light I listen to the stream
And in between the silence hear you calling me
But I don't know where I am and I don't trust who I've been
And If I come home how will I ever leave
^^^It's great. I love it.

If you insist...

Okay... so now for a better... and happier post. =]

Hmmm, well... today is just good in general. Minus cleaning.

If you thought of this first...

Hmm... I feel like I'm constantly cleaning. What the hellllll. Why is this room so dusty and unhealthy. Ugh. There is SO MUCH LONG HAIR. What the helllll. It's definitely not mine since mine is dark and slightly curly. Not blond and straight. AHHH... I can't take it. I mean I admire her hair but seriously... it is TOO long and it's shedding because her roots are pulling her hairs down. She needs to cut it. Soon. The end of rant.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

If you seek amy...

Thanks to Jeff G... I can't get new Britney Spears songs out of my head. Hahaha.
At any rate...Early this afternoon I had Bio presentations for extra credit. I totally skipped over like... 75% of my card. =[ However, the slideshow itself came out wonderful.... if I do say for myself. =]
It's rainy today. Gray and rainy. It's really peaceful and it kinda smells like summer. Even though it is definitely reaching November. I'm in the flag room and there are quite a few people here. Actually there is hardly anyone here. Me... and two groups. But it's really nice nonetheless.
Hmmm... I think I'll just... listen to music and facebook since I have basically nothing better to do with my time.
Maybe I should go to Perks?
However, I'm just getting lazy... so... maybe not.

If I ask you to stay...

So... I went out for Jeff VL's birthday. Hooray! For he is legal now!!! Hahaha.

At any rate. It's 2:42 in the morning and I have a biology project for extra credit due in less that ten hours. I don't know if I can speak for ten whole freakin' minutes. I will have to try and speak as clear as possibly and not be overly goofy. Definitely will try.

After Bio., I'm heading to the wonderful Wegmans with James because it's amazing beyond belief.

Y'know... I wonder... does he mind that I call him James? Or does he really prefer Jimmy? I mean... I always hear Jimmy... I don't know hahaha. He's a real sweetheart. I enjoy spending time with him. Lots, hahaha.

After that, I'm seeig Jon Stewart with Kate. It'll be sweet. Hahaha, at least... I hope it will be.

After that... I'm going out with the pharmcats and Kate. Should be a late day.

And then... I have class registration early Sunday morning.

I should not sleep if that's the case.

P.S: Why is it ridiculously warm in the dorm room?

Friday, November 14, 2008

If I knew better...

What is this feeling...
So sudden and new...
Oh goodness... I have Wicked in my head. Hahaha.

If the stars keep falling...

"You are my summer breeze my winter sun, my springtime soul, my autumn touch of gold"
Ahhh...old school Britney. Hahaha. It's been playing in my head.
Actually... a lot of songs have been lately. Mostly... I keep hearing "Feels like Home" by Chantal Kreviazuk. I've just been thinking a lot. And it just... describes how I feel right about now... and it's okay.

Monday, November 10, 2008

If this whole thing is true...

Hm. I like someone. A lot.
And I thought I would share that with the world.
He feels like home... it just feels right.

If there were more surveys like this...

The last time you were in the fridge, what were you looking for?

Where was the last door you shut?
The dorm.

If science found that beer causes cancer, would you still drink it?
Nope, and just so we know. I don't drink beer. It's disgusting... in fact... most alcoholic beverages are.

How about animal rights?
What about animal rights?

Death penalty?
Depends...what about it?

Would you rather have a tiny head and a huge body, or a gigantic head and a tiny body?
I think I would prefer a proportioned head to my body.

Whats the longest you have gone without seeing your reflection?
I don't know.

Have you ever fed an animal a jalapeno for revenge of something they did?
No. Why would I do that.

When a hermit crab loses it shell, is it naked or homeless?
It looses its exoskeleton... therefore it is both and neither at the same time. See, the shell is like it's home and clothes because it protects what is underneath... which isn't a skeleton. Also... here's a little fact, the shell is made out of chitin. I'm about 98% sure. I would check my manual, but I will not.

What did you dream about last night?
A giant cookie. For real.

What are hot dogs made of?
The ones I usually eat are made out of soy. =]

Do you own a pair of Uggs?
I own Fuggs! =] Or... aka... the fake uggs. Do you have ANY idea how awful those ugg-ly boots are?!

Color of your toenails?
The au natural kind.

Would you rather have hairy feet or a hairy belly button?
I rather have neither.

What words will you put on your tombstone?
This is a depressing question. Next.

Have you ever lied to a doctor to get a doctors note to miss work or class?

Did your night suck?
Tonight? Kind of. Generally it normally isn't. I feel like I missed something.

Do you find it romantic when a guy whispers in your ear?

Do you think the last person you kissed cares for you?
Not at all. =[

Are you starting to realize anything?
A few things.

Do you have empty alcohol bottles hidden anywhere?

How late did you stay up last night and why?
I was up until 1am this morning because I couldn't sleep.

Do you believe that everything happens for a reason?
All the time.

Did you go out or stay in last night?
I stayed in mostly.

Where were you at 10:17 pm last night?
Working on my Library Workbook. Lame.

Did you kiss or make out with anyone today?

Have you ever snuggled with someone you werent dating?
Yeah... a few years ago.

When was the last time something bothered you?
Hm, World Civ. kinda bothers me sometimes. And I know tomorrow will because of dissections.

What do you do on the weekends?
Something new has been happening every weekend. I like it.

Are diamonds a girls best friend?
Not necessarily. For all we know, a diamond could be a girl's worst enemy because it is, in fact, exceedingly hard.

Is your hair up or down today?
It was down and then the wind made me decide it was an up-do day.

Do you straighten your hair?

Did you ever cry during a romantic movie?
Hm... not really... which is odd.

Do you think lip gloss is the best!?
Nivea chapstick. =]

In the last 48 hours have you hung out with a guy?

Do you freakout if you miss your favorite show?

Would you ever get a tattoo?
Thought about it... but probably not.

Can you skateboard?
Attempted... and failed.

How old will you turn in 2009?
Almost 2 decades.

How old are you now?
Under 2 decades. =]

Would you date someone 8 years older than you?
Probably not.

Who was the last person you hugged?

Whats your relationship with the person you last texted?
He's a sweetheart and a good friend.

Will your next kiss be a mistake?
I don't want anymore kisses to be a mistake.

Where are your siblings?
She is back home.

Whens the last time you cried?
I'd say a few nights ago when I was looking through old pictures.

If you found out you couldn't have kids,would you adopt?
Of course. Without a doubt.

Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
Back in my time? No. Let's move forward.

Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to?
Yeah and luckily... he's in the same school as me. =]

Last time you saw your parents?
Well over a month ago.

Who have you talked to today?
Quite a few people.

Do you ever try to write with your non dominant hand?
Yes... with failure.

Have you ever gone Christmas caroling?
No. =[

Whats an obsession you have?
Hah, it's evident. No need to mention them.

Do you feel comfortable getting up and giving speeches?
Depends... however, I'm generally okay.

What color are your eyes?
Dark brown... but sometimes when I wake up in the morning, they are onyx. Weird.

Whens your birthday?
Two weeks in the 8th month.

Is there someone you know you should hate but you can't?
In a way.

How's your heart lately?
Emotionally... always getting better and better each day. Physically... I believe it's okay.

If you could change your name what would it be?
I think I'm okay with my first name.

What are you wearing?
Clothes... specifically... pajamas.

Are you a forgiving person?

Last thing you drank?
Ramune. <3

Do you think you can last for an hour without talking?
Well... I don't think so. When I sleep... I don't know. And when I'm taking a test... well... I mouth words to myself.

What's your worst habit?
Not sure.

How tall is the last person u hugged?

What woke you up this morning?
Who... not what. And my roomie did because she knows I can't wake up to any electronic device.

What is somehing you wouldnt be able to live without?
Love, air, happiness, need to learn, education itself, family, friends and my glasses.

What did you do today?
I went to class. All day.

What were you wearing at 9am this morning?

What's irritating you now?
World Civ.

Do you like chinese food?
Depends. If it's First Wok in the city, then I don't like Chinese food... I LOVE it.

What will you be doing in three hours?
I'll be up? Maybe sleeping? I don't know. It would be 2:30am on 11/11/08.

Why did you last laugh really hard?
Hahaha, my roommate. She's the best and she's silly sometimes.

Will you be in a relationship in four months?
Perhaps? I don't know. I miss relationships.

Can you sleep in jeans?

Do you find the opposite sex confusing?

Is there someone in your life you wish you never met?
Hah... I used to think that... but I believe I'm okay with just moving on.

Did you sleep well last night?
I had a decent night's rest.

Do you have a common first name?
Not really.

Who's house of the opposite sex were you in last? Why?
Uhmmm... House? I think Russ's to hang out. Dorm? James's... so Jen, James, and myself can go to a movie.

Do you like anyone?

What's your mood?
I am sleepy... but not.

Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months without cheating?
I definitely can. I would never cheat. Honestly.

If the hours move to minutes...

This weekend wasn't too bad. In fact, it was nice. Caution came over Saturday night and we hung out with James. We saw "Zack and Miri Make a Porno". Quite revealing... but then again... what did I expect.

So... I pretty much had my epic FAIL for my life Saturday night...
After the movie... we all went to the bathroom... and I went to wash my hands. Apparently... there was toilet paper ON MY JACKET... which is weird because I took off my jacket and left it on a hook. And then I didn't even put on the jacket until after we got outside...Epic FAIL. Hahahaha. AND... to make it even better... I went across the street with it... I had a friggin' tail. WOW... definite fail. Bleh. =[

So minus epic fail... it was decent weekend.
16 days until Nov. 26, '08.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

If it's a long way home...

So Caution's coming over... well... today. I have not seen her since her birthday... in September. I miss her so much. She's going to try to get here about 5 or 6. And we're going to get Starbucks like in high school. And then we're going to visit my darling friend James. =]
I am really looking forward to today. <3

Friday, November 7, 2008

If the wonder said otherwise...

I feel better.
There is something special.
And I hope so with all my heart.

If this is me...

Okay... so Evilutionary... sorry-- Evolutionary Biology... not so good. I emailed la mia prof., she said to stay in the class and just try my best. HOPEFULLY my best will be enough.

On the plus side... I am generally happy (minus Bio grades).


Thursday, November 6, 2008

If I should see the world of tomorrow...

I totally did not finish that last entry to it's fullest.

At any rate. I have chemistry lab tomorrow. Afterward, I'm not entirely sure what I'm doing.

La la la. Don't really have a whole lot to say... except... la la la. Happyyy. <3
It feels good to be in this moment.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

If I showed you my point of view...

I've been smiling.
I've been happy.
Today was a good day.

Zee got her package today. I was surprised it arrived today. I mean... I practically just sent it to her. Actually, it was Monday. Hahaha. She was really happy. I'm glad. Everyone deserves a good surprise every now and then. =]

If I added on a saying...

Just wanted to say the new president was announced at 11pm est.
I was watching Indecision 2008 with Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart (who is coming to my school November fifteenth.).

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

If the perfect words never crossed my mind...

President Barack Obama.
The Nation's FORTY-FOURTH President.
The Nation's FIRST Black President.

I heard:
"Rosa Parks sat for King to walk; King walked for Obama to run; Obama ran for America to fly".

I thought it was clever.

If today was a day to change...

Let's get out there and freakin' vote. <3
The whole world will be jeal knowing we are making a better place.

If the car haults...

I miss my best friends from home. Lots.

I miss talking to them.
I miss seeing their faces.
I miss the silly fights...
And the good for naughts drama.

I miss seeing that I go up to their shoulders.
I miss complaining to them.
I miss laughing with them...
And I even miss crying with them.

The jokes, the insiders, the things no one will ever understand...
They are the family that God help find me choose.

And so... I miss my family. Very much.

LIfe begins with LI.

Monday, November 3, 2008

If the cloud floats on...

I believe we are all looking for something in this world.

When do I find my something?

Sunday, November 2, 2008

If we stand here together in this sea of lonliness...

I'm sorry I've been neglecting my posteing duties. It's been a crazy week and now I am suffering from a case of insomnia. I am a little drowsy... however, I'm okay.

Lately... I've been...happier. A suddent feeling that I really didn't feel for quite some time. I mean... I know I am a happy person... but, the happiness to MATCH me went on hiatus.

I've been thinking and I don't know what to do.

What should I do?