Wednesday, August 6, 2008

If you spot a nightingale...

Name: Hello. I'm Athena.
Nickname: But you can call me by a nickname. =]
Single or Taken: Solo.Siblings: There are two of offsprings... you figure it out.
Eye color: Dark chocolate brown.
Shoe size: 8.5-9.
Dress size: I don't understand why you want to know this.
Height: Does it really matter that I am petite?What are you wearing right now?: Orientation shirt and jeans. Simple.Career/Job: I tutored like a crazy woman in Math, Science, English, History, and Italian. WHAT!Loves: Peace, happiness, friends, Harry Potter, Twilight, reading, writing, learning, science, school. I am a geek... deal with it. =]Hates: I am a hippie... I hate hate. class you fit into: Class? Pardone moi?
Kind of pants: Dark, semi-destroyed jeans and my tech denims <3.
Number: 2, 3(weird), 5, 7. The last three are weird because I prefer even numbers...
Animal: Nearly all (NEARLY is the key word).
Drink(non alcoholic): Get me some H2O.
Drink(ALCOHOLIC): Ew. Thank you.Food: Fooooood is most delish.
Sport: Not a sport person... I'm boring and I'm a geek. End of story.Month: All and none.
Season: I like the all and don't like them all at once... but I find my most prefered season is Winter. It's pretty and it's chilling, however... that just means you can cuddle in a blanket and enjoy the indoors.
Juice: Apple juice. xoxo
Favorite cartoon/anime character: I honestly don't know.---------------------------------------------------------------
Have You Ever...
Given anyone a bath?: I have given a baby a bath. =]
Bungee Jumped?: I would like to.
Eaten dog?: As long as the word "soy" is in front of it...
Loved someone so much it made you cry?: I haven't experienced that yet... no one has woo me to the point there I cry for them.Broken a bone?: No.
Played truth or dare?: Once! =] I can finally say that.
Been on a plane?: Yes.
Been in a sauna?: Negative.
Been in a hotub?: Positive.
Fallen asleep in school?: Tempted, however, no.Broken someone's heart?: I think so. I do apologize for that. I don't regret it though... it was all but the right time for a relationship.
Cried when someone died?: Definitely.
Cried in school?: Quite a few times in tenth grade... emotional year.
Fell off your chair?: Pathetically yes.
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call?: No.
Saved IM conversations?: Hah, yeah.
Saved e-mails?: I usually don't delete them...
What is...Your good luck charm?: 13th birthday necklace from Nana.
New fav. song?: Ah... bad question...actually... I lied. It's not a bad question... but I won't answer.
Fav. time of day: The night... it's dark enough to see the Moon and stars. I love the stars.What is beside you?: CLOTHES... too much packing!
What kind of shampoo/conditioner: I love Garnier. =]
Ever Had...
Chicken pox: Vaccinated, beasts!
Sore Throat: Werd... not fun.
Stitches: Not that I know of.
Broken nose: Nope.
Body mods: Pardon?
Do You...
Believe in love at first sight?: As utterly romantic as it sounds... I really do.
Like school?: So far, I do. Hopefully UB won't change that perception.
Who was the last person that called you?: Mossy Ploof. <3
Who was the last person you slow danced with?: I haven't... slow danced with anyone. =\
Who makes you smile the most?: People make me smile.
Who knows you the best?: Probably my sibling and Renita. =]
Do you like filling these out: When there's nothing better to do... I kinda find a sick joy out of it.
Do you have glasses or contact lenses?: Glashers. =]
Do you get along with your family?: Usually I do.
-----------------------------------------Are You...
Obsessive Compulsive?: I think everyone is a little.
Attention Defecit?: See the above answer.
Today did you...
Talk to some one you like: I like a lot of people... are we talking about like like?
Buy something: Nope.
Get sick?: If I said I am sick, will that make you not ask this question?
Talked to an ex?: Hm, not today.
Miss someone?: Definitely... always and everyday.
Last person who....Slept in your bed?: Me, myself... hmmm... oh yes! And I. =]
Saw/heard you cry?: My book... hah.
Made you cry?: AH, the book I'm reading.
Went to the movies with?: Eemo, Uncle Jon, and sibling! Ever been in a fight with your pet?: No pets. =[ I will have one though!!! <3 Fishy!!!
Been to America?: Obvz.
Been to Australia?: Negativo.
Been to Europe?: WERDobviouslyYOman...yes.
Do you have a crush on someone right now?: Kinda... yes... no... yeah... I like someone...and then I like someone...
What book are you reading now?: Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer.Best feeling in the world?: Security is a pretty decent feeling... don't you agree?
Future KIDS names?: If I have kids... I would wonder why do I have baby goats in my life...Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: They are there... but I don't sleep with one necessarily.What's under your bed?: Wouldn't you like to know...
Favorite sports to watch?: I like to watch ice skaters... that is an olympic recreational activity, so SHHH.
Favorite Locations?: Tech basement, the high school, the city, London and I have a sudden mood for Toronto.
Piercing/Tattoos?: My ears are pierced.
What are you most scared of right now?: Certain things.
Do you have a job?: I did. I tutored like a crazy woman... remember?
Have you ever liked someone you didn't have a chance with?: Yeah, hahaha. Let's just say... it's not because he didn't like me...
Are you lonely right now? Lonely as in because I'm single? A little.
Song that's stuck in your head right now?: Stereo Skyline songs. Strange because I haven't heard them in a while.
Have you ever played strip poker?: Nope... just regular... good old fashioned poker.
Have you ever been beaten up?: Ah, no. I have not.
Have you ever been on radio/TV?: Nope.
Ever liked someone, but thought they never noticed you?: Yes. Turned out they noticed me from the moment they met me. It was really sweet. He remember everything about that day.
What color is your underwear right now?: What's it to you?
What’s the first things you notice about the opposite sex?: Action that is happening.
Hair color?: Mine? It's dark. Mostly dark brown with bits of red in it.
Are you too shy to ask someone out?: Bah... I told a guy I liked him... he didn't expect it. Felt bad... it was awkward... it's a good thing he was and still is a sweetheart.
Dogs or cats?: Canines.
Favorite Flower?: Orchids.
Have you ever fired a gun?: No.
Do you like to travel by plane as opposed to car?: Depends.
How many pillows do you sleep with?: Due.
Final Questions:
What did you do yesterday: Not a whole lot... but I did go to the mall to exchange a shirt.
What car/truck do you wish to have?: S60R Volvo. It's amazing.
Where do you want to get married?: Where? Well... I would like something small and traditional. And the reception would be... simply beautiful.
Good driver?: I'm a decent driver.
Have a lava lamp?: I had one. I don't recall what happened to it.
How many remote controls are in your house?: You honestly want me to count?
When you last showered?: I love showering... I've showered three times today.
Scary or Funny Movies?: I love the hilarity of movies. Funny all the way.
Chocolate or Vanilla?: Vanilla with chocolate syrup.
Summer or winter?: I prefer the winter nowadays.
Silver or Gold?: Depends really.
Diamond or pearl?: Diamonds are a girl's best friend.
Sprite or 7up?: Water.
Coffee or sweet tea?: Tea.
Phone or in person?: I think I talk better on the phone even though I prefer in person.
Are you oldest, middle or youngest?: Eldest. =]

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