Tuesday, August 12, 2008

If I scream and shout...

It has been fustrating. First off... I am aware that it is definitely passed 2am... AND I have to be up by 7am. That sounds wonderful, doesn't it?
Anyways. So after the fabulous two day switcheroo... we go to Atlantic City. Doesn't sounds SO bad though... does it? If you are thinking that... you are one hundred BILLION percent wrong. It was rainy AND there was lightening and thunder. It was dangerous beyond belief. Definitely sounds fun, yes?
That was... Sunday.
Then Monday... we decide "let's go to the city". Totally fine. We went ont the Circle Line. That was fine... and had dinner at Curry in a Hurry (love it. =]). Okay... so I gave you the beginning and the end... not the middle.
So in the middle... after the Circle Line... we walk around the city. So... som street people are handing out flyers to a free event... sounds very City-ish, yes? Obvz. So... naturally... the sib. picks up a flyer and shows it to my mom. Now... they both are exceedingly excited... WOOHOO. Then... mother tells father... who tells uncle and cousin. Oh boy. At any rate... I see the flyer and IMMEDIATELY... before anything I see the word "church". I have nothing against that word or place of santuation... but I am not a frequent attender. So I pause for a moment and ask my sib and mother if they know what kind of event this is. And of course, Z replies by saying "a free one". No kidding. So... I elaborate... "is it a dance? Singing? A play? Preaching?" No one knows, however, we still go to it. Throughout the walk to the place... I'm thinking "oh geez... this isn't going to be good. We're going to walk out..." and I told mother my thoughts and that I would stay out if it's a preaching event. I don't get along with people who preach religion to me. It's not that I don't respect religion... it's just... I don't want people make themselves sound like they are thrusting beliefs that I don't believe... therefore... if there is a He or She out there... that entity should remember that "thou shall not lie". So we walk into the theatre... and throughout the hallway... I see words that say "Lord" and "He" and "Minister" and "Pastor" and "Church" and "Praise". Major uh-oh. So... we get to our seats and I turn to mother and say "so... do you know what we are in for?" and mother replies, "no". So I decided to break the ice and say "it's a worship concert." Ohhhhh! So... Z and mom have no problem. And so, mom told dad... who told uncle... who told cousin. Wow. News spreads fast in this family. So... the seating arrangements: Athena, Z, Mom, Dad, Uncle, Cousin. Athena gets to sit next to a religious fellow. Nice... friendly... seems very loyal to his faith. Good guy. He has a video camera and turns to me and asks me if I would answers some questions. Seems harmless... right? Kinda. I got a kick out it really. I'm such a bitch in my head... but I remained... calm and sweet. After all... he was a guy with a video camera. Didn't want to hurt his or the fellow watchers' feelings.
At any rate... 5 seconds after the music started... we walked out. This has to be the BIGGEST and MOST satisfying "I TOLD YOU SO" I could ever think of. I totally pwned. =]

I can definitely sleep in peace now that that is written.

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