Monday, August 4, 2008

If I make myself content...

So... where to begin?
Yesterday (8.3.08)- I had a surprise birthday/congrats party. It was... truly a surprise. renita gace me a sweet journal (and other college survivals). It was really sweet. She's always been like a sister. I'm going to miss her a helluva lot. She's the confidant I rely on way too much. Jess (aka the Mossy Ploofinator) gave me the most touching present ever. And it was a dvd that I have been watching over and over again. She really is something. I can't believe after 6 years... we're just... heading off to college. Now the whole college feeling is hitting me...wonderful. Overall... yesterday... was... magical. As cheesy as that sounds... it really was.
At any rate... today... was a complete 180. First off... poor Jill. She's in the hospital. I hope she get better asap. Really. She and I have so much to do for UB. Please God. Just help her. Please.
In addition... the parentals. LOVE them dearly... however... honestly. Dad is always making a fuss when I want to go hang out with people. I don't understand! I NEVER hang out with people during the school year and I haven't hung out with people in large amounts until this summer. That's it! And chances are... majority of the people I am hanging out with this summer... are not going to be the same ones I hang out with next summer. What on EARTH?Ugh, by jingos. BY JINGOS. Grrr.
On the plus side... I have been reading Breaking Dawn and I love it... although I am quite fustrated.
ALSO! Breaking news!!! JK ROWLING HAS A NEW BOOK COMING OUT ABOUT BEEDLE THE BARD!!! <3>The Tales of Beedle the Bard and it comes out December 4th, 2008. VERY exciting.

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