Sunday, August 31, 2008

If I could correct the wrong...

Attention world... HE is going to school with me.

I don't go to school with him.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

If I hear the shore...

Tomorrow will be two weeks the last time I saw my home.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

If this is a good thing...

I really miss home. Currently I am talking to my mother through via webchat and I'm crying my eyes out. totally caught me by surprise and... down came Niagara Falls. They are saying that though I am feeling like this now... I'll adjust faster. LIES. LI is the territory I belong in...EM is my HOME.

Monday, August 25, 2008

If you stand by me, through the wind and the willow...

Terribly homesick I must say. I've been homesick... and feel like I will always be homesick... until I get home. I get all... weepy when I speak to the parentals and Zena. Today... we webchatted. It was pretty sweet. <3 The whole adjusting thin is a a major killer. At least people here are very nice and I'm enjoying their company. I just... want to be home... for the most part.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

If I scream and shout...

It has been fustrating. First off... I am aware that it is definitely passed 2am... AND I have to be up by 7am. That sounds wonderful, doesn't it?
Anyways. So after the fabulous two day switcheroo... we go to Atlantic City. Doesn't sounds SO bad though... does it? If you are thinking that... you are one hundred BILLION percent wrong. It was rainy AND there was lightening and thunder. It was dangerous beyond belief. Definitely sounds fun, yes?
That was... Sunday.
Then Monday... we decide "let's go to the city". Totally fine. We went ont the Circle Line. That was fine... and had dinner at Curry in a Hurry (love it. =]). Okay... so I gave you the beginning and the end... not the middle.
So in the middle... after the Circle Line... we walk around the city. So... som street people are handing out flyers to a free event... sounds very City-ish, yes? Obvz. So... naturally... the sib. picks up a flyer and shows it to my mom. Now... they both are exceedingly excited... WOOHOO. Then... mother tells father... who tells uncle and cousin. Oh boy. At any rate... I see the flyer and IMMEDIATELY... before anything I see the word "church". I have nothing against that word or place of santuation... but I am not a frequent attender. So I pause for a moment and ask my sib and mother if they know what kind of event this is. And of course, Z replies by saying "a free one". No kidding. So... I elaborate... "is it a dance? Singing? A play? Preaching?" No one knows, however, we still go to it. Throughout the walk to the place... I'm thinking "oh geez... this isn't going to be good. We're going to walk out..." and I told mother my thoughts and that I would stay out if it's a preaching event. I don't get along with people who preach religion to me. It's not that I don't respect religion... it's just... I don't want people make themselves sound like they are thrusting beliefs that I don't believe... therefore... if there is a He or She out there... that entity should remember that "thou shall not lie". So we walk into the theatre... and throughout the hallway... I see words that say "Lord" and "He" and "Minister" and "Pastor" and "Church" and "Praise". Major uh-oh. So... we get to our seats and I turn to mother and say "so... do you know what we are in for?" and mother replies, "no". So I decided to break the ice and say "it's a worship concert." Ohhhhh! So... Z and mom have no problem. And so, mom told dad... who told uncle... who told cousin. Wow. News spreads fast in this family. So... the seating arrangements: Athena, Z, Mom, Dad, Uncle, Cousin. Athena gets to sit next to a religious fellow. Nice... friendly... seems very loyal to his faith. Good guy. He has a video camera and turns to me and asks me if I would answers some questions. Seems harmless... right? Kinda. I got a kick out it really. I'm such a bitch in my head... but I remained... calm and sweet. After all... he was a guy with a video camera. Didn't want to hurt his or the fellow watchers' feelings.
At any rate... 5 seconds after the music started... we walked out. This has to be the BIGGEST and MOST satisfying "I TOLD YOU SO" I could ever think of. I totally pwned. =]

I can definitely sleep in peace now that that is written.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

If I asked you to stay...

Operation Room Switch: success. =]
Finally... after HOURS... the whole room switch with the sibling is finished. <3

At any rate... went to Lauren's going away party. It was loads of fun. =] I wish all the college-bound people best wishes.

I'm exhausted and my body aches. And it's quite late...very... oh so very late.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

If the sun shines down upon me...

I found my camera battery. =] I can hear the bells and angels sing. <3

If there are no clouds to dampen the day...

I think this moment calls for a ">.<".

If you shimmer in the spotlight...

Hmmm... I can't find my camera battery. Not good.

If I fall away...

Day TWO.
It's 11 minutes to noon and I still haven't really started the shelves switching.
So very tired.

If I thought otherwise...

So... before I forget...
If I have a daughter...
I like the names Arabella and Annabella. Though I do like the name Adabella. However... I am becoming more partial to Arabella. It's pretty and strong..."beautiful lion". There's a... postive and ambitious image. I like it.

If I did know...

It's almost three in the morning and I am exhausted beyong belief. I have been switching rooms with my sister. It's been a long... not going to lie... my body is in quite a lot of pain. And I'm typing... Vanessa Anne Hudgens is on the tellie... dancing for a Sears commercial on N. She's kinda everywhere... like Miley Cyrus. Oh Disney. Whatever happened to the simple Disney stuff?
At any rate... tomorrow... or rather... in the daylight hours[!!!], there will be some more "moving" and Z and I need to switch shelves. Hopefully I'll be up by 10 and then finish by... hopefully by 2. Earlier would be nice... but... I'll give Z and myself that 4 hour time frame. Sounds logical.
I should head into bed. It's... early. Heh. Yeah... not really.

Friday, August 8, 2008

If you could hold me close and stay...

I wonder why I've been so focused on... relationships. I am certain it's because... it's been so long since I... well... have been part of that real unrealistic feeling. Maybe I just... miss it.

So! I'm off to Staples. Need some school supplies. Shall update later.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

If I could, I am...

It has been a very, very long and stressful day. Very stressful.
I've gone through loans, shopping, yelling, screaming, confusion, fustration, sleepiness, packing, bruising, moving, everything.

At least I have Saturday to look forward to.

If I could dream dreamless nights...

Perhaps I am lonely?

If the lion fell in love...

If I have a child and the child is a son... I'll name his Edward Bae-kho [*last name here*] or Aiden Bae-kho [*last name here*].
If I have a daughter... I'll name her Adabella Sae-Byuk [*last name here*].

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

If you spot a nightingale...

Name: Hello. I'm Athena.
Nickname: But you can call me by a nickname. =]
Single or Taken: Solo.Siblings: There are two of offsprings... you figure it out.
Eye color: Dark chocolate brown.
Shoe size: 8.5-9.
Dress size: I don't understand why you want to know this.
Height: Does it really matter that I am petite?What are you wearing right now?: Orientation shirt and jeans. Simple.Career/Job: I tutored like a crazy woman in Math, Science, English, History, and Italian. WHAT!Loves: Peace, happiness, friends, Harry Potter, Twilight, reading, writing, learning, science, school. I am a geek... deal with it. =]Hates: I am a hippie... I hate hate. class you fit into: Class? Pardone moi?
Kind of pants: Dark, semi-destroyed jeans and my tech denims <3.
Number: 2, 3(weird), 5, 7. The last three are weird because I prefer even numbers...
Animal: Nearly all (NEARLY is the key word).
Drink(non alcoholic): Get me some H2O.
Drink(ALCOHOLIC): Ew. Thank you.Food: Fooooood is most delish.
Sport: Not a sport person... I'm boring and I'm a geek. End of story.Month: All and none.
Season: I like the all and don't like them all at once... but I find my most prefered season is Winter. It's pretty and it's chilling, however... that just means you can cuddle in a blanket and enjoy the indoors.
Juice: Apple juice. xoxo
Favorite cartoon/anime character: I honestly don't know.---------------------------------------------------------------
Have You Ever...
Given anyone a bath?: I have given a baby a bath. =]
Bungee Jumped?: I would like to.
Eaten dog?: As long as the word "soy" is in front of it...
Loved someone so much it made you cry?: I haven't experienced that yet... no one has woo me to the point there I cry for them.Broken a bone?: No.
Played truth or dare?: Once! =] I can finally say that.
Been on a plane?: Yes.
Been in a sauna?: Negative.
Been in a hotub?: Positive.
Fallen asleep in school?: Tempted, however, no.Broken someone's heart?: I think so. I do apologize for that. I don't regret it though... it was all but the right time for a relationship.
Cried when someone died?: Definitely.
Cried in school?: Quite a few times in tenth grade... emotional year.
Fell off your chair?: Pathetically yes.
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call?: No.
Saved IM conversations?: Hah, yeah.
Saved e-mails?: I usually don't delete them...
What is...Your good luck charm?: 13th birthday necklace from Nana.
New fav. song?: Ah... bad question...actually... I lied. It's not a bad question... but I won't answer.
Fav. time of day: The night... it's dark enough to see the Moon and stars. I love the stars.What is beside you?: CLOTHES... too much packing!
What kind of shampoo/conditioner: I love Garnier. =]
Ever Had...
Chicken pox: Vaccinated, beasts!
Sore Throat: Werd... not fun.
Stitches: Not that I know of.
Broken nose: Nope.
Body mods: Pardon?
Do You...
Believe in love at first sight?: As utterly romantic as it sounds... I really do.
Like school?: So far, I do. Hopefully UB won't change that perception.
Who was the last person that called you?: Mossy Ploof. <3
Who was the last person you slow danced with?: I haven't... slow danced with anyone. =\
Who makes you smile the most?: People make me smile.
Who knows you the best?: Probably my sibling and Renita. =]
Do you like filling these out: When there's nothing better to do... I kinda find a sick joy out of it.
Do you have glasses or contact lenses?: Glashers. =]
Do you get along with your family?: Usually I do.
-----------------------------------------Are You...
Obsessive Compulsive?: I think everyone is a little.
Attention Defecit?: See the above answer.
Today did you...
Talk to some one you like: I like a lot of people... are we talking about like like?
Buy something: Nope.
Get sick?: If I said I am sick, will that make you not ask this question?
Talked to an ex?: Hm, not today.
Miss someone?: Definitely... always and everyday.
Last person who....Slept in your bed?: Me, myself... hmmm... oh yes! And I. =]
Saw/heard you cry?: My book... hah.
Made you cry?: AH, the book I'm reading.
Went to the movies with?: Eemo, Uncle Jon, and sibling! Ever been in a fight with your pet?: No pets. =[ I will have one though!!! <3 Fishy!!!
Been to America?: Obvz.
Been to Australia?: Negativo.
Been to Europe?: WERDobviouslyYOman...yes.
Do you have a crush on someone right now?: Kinda... yes... no... yeah... I like someone...and then I like someone...
What book are you reading now?: Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer.Best feeling in the world?: Security is a pretty decent feeling... don't you agree?
Future KIDS names?: If I have kids... I would wonder why do I have baby goats in my life...Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: They are there... but I don't sleep with one necessarily.What's under your bed?: Wouldn't you like to know...
Favorite sports to watch?: I like to watch ice skaters... that is an olympic recreational activity, so SHHH.
Favorite Locations?: Tech basement, the high school, the city, London and I have a sudden mood for Toronto.
Piercing/Tattoos?: My ears are pierced.
What are you most scared of right now?: Certain things.
Do you have a job?: I did. I tutored like a crazy woman... remember?
Have you ever liked someone you didn't have a chance with?: Yeah, hahaha. Let's just say... it's not because he didn't like me...
Are you lonely right now? Lonely as in because I'm single? A little.
Song that's stuck in your head right now?: Stereo Skyline songs. Strange because I haven't heard them in a while.
Have you ever played strip poker?: Nope... just regular... good old fashioned poker.
Have you ever been beaten up?: Ah, no. I have not.
Have you ever been on radio/TV?: Nope.
Ever liked someone, but thought they never noticed you?: Yes. Turned out they noticed me from the moment they met me. It was really sweet. He remember everything about that day.
What color is your underwear right now?: What's it to you?
What’s the first things you notice about the opposite sex?: Action that is happening.
Hair color?: Mine? It's dark. Mostly dark brown with bits of red in it.
Are you too shy to ask someone out?: Bah... I told a guy I liked him... he didn't expect it. Felt bad... it was awkward... it's a good thing he was and still is a sweetheart.
Dogs or cats?: Canines.
Favorite Flower?: Orchids.
Have you ever fired a gun?: No.
Do you like to travel by plane as opposed to car?: Depends.
How many pillows do you sleep with?: Due.
Final Questions:
What did you do yesterday: Not a whole lot... but I did go to the mall to exchange a shirt.
What car/truck do you wish to have?: S60R Volvo. It's amazing.
Where do you want to get married?: Where? Well... I would like something small and traditional. And the reception would be... simply beautiful.
Good driver?: I'm a decent driver.
Have a lava lamp?: I had one. I don't recall what happened to it.
How many remote controls are in your house?: You honestly want me to count?
When you last showered?: I love showering... I've showered three times today.
Scary or Funny Movies?: I love the hilarity of movies. Funny all the way.
Chocolate or Vanilla?: Vanilla with chocolate syrup.
Summer or winter?: I prefer the winter nowadays.
Silver or Gold?: Depends really.
Diamond or pearl?: Diamonds are a girl's best friend.
Sprite or 7up?: Water.
Coffee or sweet tea?: Tea.
Phone or in person?: I think I talk better on the phone even though I prefer in person.
Are you oldest, middle or youngest?: Eldest. =]

If you stood here before me...

I'm packing my life away in two duffle bags, a carry-on, and a trunk.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

If the sun shone as bright as you think...

Some people are annoying and can piss me off because they are so self-centered and complain too much. The end. =]

Monday, August 4, 2008

If I make myself content...

So... where to begin?
Yesterday (8.3.08)- I had a surprise birthday/congrats party. It was... truly a surprise. renita gace me a sweet journal (and other college survivals). It was really sweet. She's always been like a sister. I'm going to miss her a helluva lot. She's the confidant I rely on way too much. Jess (aka the Mossy Ploofinator) gave me the most touching present ever. And it was a dvd that I have been watching over and over again. She really is something. I can't believe after 6 years... we're just... heading off to college. Now the whole college feeling is hitting me...wonderful. Overall... yesterday... was... magical. As cheesy as that sounds... it really was.
At any rate... today... was a complete 180. First off... poor Jill. She's in the hospital. I hope she get better asap. Really. She and I have so much to do for UB. Please God. Just help her. Please.
In addition... the parentals. LOVE them dearly... however... honestly. Dad is always making a fuss when I want to go hang out with people. I don't understand! I NEVER hang out with people during the school year and I haven't hung out with people in large amounts until this summer. That's it! And chances are... majority of the people I am hanging out with this summer... are not going to be the same ones I hang out with next summer. What on EARTH?Ugh, by jingos. BY JINGOS. Grrr.
On the plus side... I have been reading Breaking Dawn and I love it... although I am quite fustrated.
ALSO! Breaking news!!! JK ROWLING HAS A NEW BOOK COMING OUT ABOUT BEEDLE THE BARD!!! <3>The Tales of Beedle the Bard and it comes out December 4th, 2008. VERY exciting.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Friday, August 1, 2008

If I could spread my wings and fly...

So I figures out how to post an entry without actually going to the website and sticking with the blogger widget. Kicks arse. =]
So I was at Jess's house last night after Billy's party. It was fun. I had a blast at both. And then today we visited Russ. Such a sweetheart. And then we hung out with people for Kelly's birthday. So mcuh FUN. <3 Loveeed it. It was a nice... mini break.
And so. Today is August 1st... meaning in 23 hours and 30 minutes and 30 seconds (from this moment)...Breaking Dawn will be out. I am so excited. <3
Finally things are turning around for the summer. I'm enjoying it and that's what should matter.
Also. It's my birthday in 2 weeks. Jingos.