Wednesday, October 28, 2009

If time can't erase this feeling...

Well... today was an interesting day. I'm not entirely sure where to begin. Probably should start off with the beginning.
My roommate and I overslept and ended up sleeping through Organic Chem. -_-
Well... anyway... our friends wanted to meet up for lunch at our usual place [yay... seems like things are getting better!!!].
Anyway, all was going well... I got a somewhat usual lunch (usually a cold sandwich with raspberry ice tea). Everyone else was sitting down, and there were no napkins. I put my stuff down and got napkins for everyone. ANYWAY. So I sat down and was eating my sandwich and drinking my ice tea... and my friend, Sagar, looked at me and said "that drink is too cold and you are sick; maybe you shouldn't drink that." The thing is though, I have been drinking raspberry ice tea through my cold; I've been fine. I insisted I was doing completely fine. I ended up basically clawing him (which I do feel extremely bad for). So, lunch is done and I ate my sandwich (or what I could eat) and drank my ice tea. Then, my other friend, Jeff, said to me that he tampered with my ice tea. He was talking about doing stuff to it for a while, but I didn't think he would do anything. However, I, of course, thought wrong. He did. not a lot of tampering... but he still did something to it. So I was angry. Still am. Overreacting? Maybe... but the fact is that he still did that behind my back and knows how I feel about that kind of stuff. Ultimately, this whole thing is a trust issue. It's not the fact of what it was, but the fact that I don't think I can trust him with something insignificant, such as a drink.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

If he doesn't look a thing like Jesus...

Yet another "When You were Young" video... but live [!!!] on Jimmy Kimmel.

Brandon Flowers is one amazing looking adorable man. Don't believe me? Check out 2 minutes and 38 seconds into the song. <3

Dave Keuning can rock that guitar to no end. Honestly :D

Mark Stoermer is gjdahgljha-awesome at the guitar. :)

Ronnie Vannucci Jr has this incredible energy with the drums. And looks like he can have fun at any moment. Heckyes. B)

If the solution is simple...

Friday: Went through normal day of classes. Packed. Couldn't remember where I put passport so I had to look for the alternative second ID. Went to Rochacha with PCAT takers. Stayed in Jon's house and met his parents. Had a GARBAGE PLATE for the first time. It was pretty good. Not as gross as it sounds. It actually was pretty good. I'll post a picture later. Uhm... heard a scary story at Jon's house. Went to bed about midnight.

Saturday: Woke up at 6:25am after setting the alarm to 6:00am and 6:15am. Ah well. Went to T-Horton's for b-fast. Took PCATs. Long 5 hours. Draining, I tell you. Came back to campus. Chilled with Jeff. And for some reason, the dorm room is unnecessarily hot. I'm definitely considering shorts to bed.

Well... it's Sunday morning technically. Time to finish physics homework, shower, then sleep.

Thought I would provide a quick update.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Friday, October 9, 2009

If we're burning down the highway's skyline...

I hate episodes of feeling lonely.
Really and truly. Why does this happen?

If good times die soon...

I've been really upset about this.
And couldn't face the facts.

RIP Winnie
October 5th, 2009

Saturday, October 3, 2009

RIP Brittany P.

i hate the EM school district. sometimes its for trivial things, stupid things that dont really matter, but really, this?!

Brittany killed herself. end of story. you CAN’T cover that up and you can’t lie to us. you have no right to dishonor her like that. you have no right to choose for us what knoweldge we can and can’t have, and who we can and can’t have a memorial for. i didn’t know this girl, but i feel like this is part of what she was running away from, even if it was subconcious. that fact that they don’t want us speaking and remembering a beautiful, friendly girl makes me wonder what they do what us to remember…

if she had died as a result of a drunk driver, she would have a memorial. would that be glorifying drunk driving? if she had died from cancer, she would have a memorial… would that be glorifying cancer? if she had been killed in a murder, there would be a memorial… that wouldn’t be glorifying murder. and lastly, if she had been a victim of the columbine high school shootings, she would have had a memorial, and it wouldn’t have been glorifying school shoots. why should that fact that she wanted some control over her life make her a horrible person, someone who doesn’t deserve to be remember, who’s death should only be talked about in whispers?

everyone could learn so much from this. other kids who share in brittney’s disease (and it IS a disease) would learn that people DO care, and that a whole SCHOOL would come together, maybe a whole NEIGHBORHOOD, to see that it will not happen again, no matter who you are.

but no, they keep us seperated. because, to them, this is an inhonarble way to die. who are you to make that dicision for us? if students dont want to come, they dont have to. if parents want to take their children out of school for that, they can. a memorial, ANYTHING, would in no way have to effect everyone, but in this way, by ignoring it, you’re sending the worst possible message…

you’re telling everyone who just wants some help that asking for it is the wrong thing to do, and that if you try to fix what you think is wrong, and do it the only way you believe possible, you’re doing something wrong. im not glorifying suicide. it should never be an option, there should never be the choice of “to die or to live” but by dishonoring her choice, you’re dishonoring her, everyone who knew her, everyone who feels as she does.

you’re dishonoring everyone.

*on a side note, i wish i could send this to an administrator and have it be listening to.*

The entry about is written by a friend's friend. I, myself, did not know Brittany. However, my sister did. Her friends did. Some of my friends did. Even though I didn't know her, I know she was a good person. She was kind to many people and from what I know, she was filled with, what seemed it like, joy. My sister tells me she didn't know her as well as she would have liked to. However, my sister looks up to her and she isn't "glorifying" suicide, as the school district put it. No one should ever be glorifying death. They should be glorifying the person. Remember who they were and what they did to or for you.

I don't know who reads this or who will read this. However, if you want to write something, go ahead.

In addition, since Brittany's death isn't being memorialized in my school district, her family has requested that people donate (by purchasing shirts, bracelets, dog tags, pins, etc.) to the To Write Love on Her Arms foundation. For more information on the foundation, visit their website at To anyone out there, this entry is not about wrongdoings. This isn't about school districts. This isn't about many things really. This is about Brittany. May she rest in peace.

I don't really know you, but you made a difference in the minds and hearts of people I know, care, and love. I know you were an amazing person. My sister looks up to you. I know she knew you better. I wish I was fortunate to know you at all. I hope one day I will be up meet you in the heavens above. Know that you are loved. Always and forever. Rest in Peace Brittany Marie Petrocca [May 12, 1995 to October 1, 2009].

If only we were to know the truth...

Why did she leave?
Why is she so young?
Why do people hurt?
They cry, God.

Please let them know
it'll be okay. And
that one day, soon
enough, we'll see her.

Friday, October 2, 2009

If only the good die young...

RIP Brittany.
Only the good
die young.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

If I learn to accept things as they are...

chris says (10:41 PM):
in that case
<3 u

Eff my life that he's so far away.
Eff my life for thinking he's awesome.
EFF my life for letting me find happiness.
And eff my life for making me like him so much.