Saturday, July 19, 2008

If I could not stop that you now know...

I can't believe... in less than 24 hours... I find out more news than gossiping girls in a lunch room in a middle school.

Let's see.

1A) Nana can't go on her Amazonian Adventure. Turns out... the Amazon is a remote area and the medicial situation there... isn't the best. And she'd have some issues. Therefore. No Amazon. (-)
1B) Just because Nana can't go... doesn't mean she won't have fun. She already looked at the negatives and is happy not to be going. Plus, she and I can spend more time together. (+)

2A) Uncle A does not want Uncle B to be living with him for a while. A is looking for a break. Totally understandable. We can take Uncle B for a while. (/)
2B) We should have him for about 3 weeks. (-)
2C) There is NO WAY we can bring him to school. It's a DORM room... not an apartment. There's barely enough room for Kate and myself WITH our families. Totally uncool if he comes. It's not like he would do anything to provide and productivity. (-)
2D) He's just not fun. (---!!!)

Just wonderful.

Whatever, I suppose. I'll have the comfort of Breaking Dawn by my side. Yes. That sounds right. Hopefully Stephenie Meyer ends up... writing a... descriptive desciption about Bella and Edward. Well... for those who read it... I'm taking about... what happened in Eclipse and we are ALL waiting for it. ;]

Well...until I'm facing another episode of insomnia. Ta ta for now (meaning... I'll be back in a few hours.).

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