Sunday, July 5, 2009

If I continue with this...

Okay... really fast.
(P.S: for those who are reading... sorry for the cursing.)

Okay. So. Mom said I have this nice person attitude when I'm with my friends.
NEWFLASH... I HAVEN'T HUNG OUT WITH ANYONE IN AGES. I call Buff every so often because I miss it there! I haven't talked to many people from home...

ALSO... while we're just venting about family...
I already talking about Zena and mom.
Now... padre.
My father.
Last night... we were in the city to see fireworks. Good stuff, right?
Anyway... he gets lost for moment. Calls me. Leaves a message. However, I didn't get to my phone on time... shouldn't be a big deal, right? Eh... let me continue. SO... I call back Dad. "WHERE ARE YOU FUCKING IDIOT?!"... Wow... that's a PLEASANT hello... isn't it? Oh-o... so I shouldn't be talking back and giving attitudes?

World... let me tell you something... for the LONGEST time I try to just DEAL with everything. Going away to college made me realize something... I can't JUST DEAL. I am one person... and if I can't defend myself (even if it's from family)... WHO will defend for me? Hm?!

I don't know what this family is on.

But THANKS. Thanks to whoever gives this family crap.
And thank you for making me feel that much more alone.

If I lost myself...

Okay... a major venting session is needed.
Mommy blew a fuse on Zena and me today.
What she says is true... Zena and I have been at each other's throat.
HOWEVER... we do care about each other's feelings. Even if Zena doesn't... I DO...

However... no matter WHAT I do... just HAVING FUN... Zena has to be a little bitch and have this fucking attitude with me.
She thinks that she can bully me around because she can throw punches and kick.

Well... what the fuck.

Zena has been SUCH A BITCH to me.
And I'm hardly around. So I don't get it.

Mom said that I should just stay on campus next year.

In fact... I don't think I should ever come home.

Goodbye home.